A fantastic day was had by all in the Crystal Room at Thornton Hall on the 25th April, with over 135 ladies and a few gentlemen raising £4500!
We had beautiful pop ups from the fabulous Owen Drew Candles, (who also sponsored the event giving every lady a goody bag and a beautiful prize for both the best dressed lady and £50 raffle voucher), varying franchise from Debenhams beauty section, Sisley, Armani, Acqua Di Parma, plus Katie Mangin with her beautiful fascinators and accessories and a funky photo booth from Drunken Monkey Party Hire. There was also a beautiful fashion show from Jess O’Shea of SheShea. However, the highlight of the afternoon was an entertaining and hilarious after lunch speech from Dame Lorna Muirhead, patron of IncuBabies.
The raffle had so many prizes from so many generous people and a few lovely auction prizes including two tickets for the Tom Jones concert at Chester Race Course with overnight bed and breakfast plus a bottle of champagne on arrival at Thornton Hall Hotel.
All in all a fabulous and entertaining lunch was enjoyed by everyone. St James Place Charitable Foundation where present on the day and will match fund every penny we raised, bringing the total raised to a staggering £9,000!
Thanks to every single person who attended, contributed or donated from the bottom of our hearts.
Team Incubabies.

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